About Me & Life After IVF

Photo of Anne wearing a brown top with gold jacket

I am Anne Altamore, founder and owner of Life After IVF Counselling, Psychotherapy and Coaching.

Life After IVF was founded to provide a safe healing space for all who have disembarked the fertility treatment roller coaster.

I use the term IVF as it’s the most commonly understood term for fertility treatment, however, I work with people ending all forms of fertility treatment, not just IVF.

While my focus is predominantly on the involuntary childless, I also work with people who may have ended fertility treatment with a baby but may be experiencing grief, relationship issues, or may just need a safe space to debrief about their journey and discover what’s next.

I have chosen not to use the term life after infertility because I believe while the infertility treatment may have ended, the emotions around being an infertile person may have triggers throughout various stages of life. I believe it is important to acknowledge these feelings and to have a safe space to voice concerns, learn how to manage triggers, and move forward with positivity. 

What qualifies me to do this work ?

I am a postgraduate degree qualified counsellor holding a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am experienced in supporting all forms of pregnancy & baby loss, including loss of embryos which is often not acknowledged or validated. I am also experienced in supporting grief of involuntary childlessness with many communities - CALD, heterosexual men & women as well as in the LGBTQIA+ community. 

And perhaps most importantly, I am a lived experience counsellor and psychotherapist with deep insight into this tumultuous roller coaster that is IVF. 

Why do I choose this work ?

When I disembarked the IVF roller coaster, I found it difficult to find specialised support and understanding not only around grief and loss but also in redefining my life going forward.

“Maybe you were given this mountain to show others it can be moved.” was a quote that spoke to me loudly when I was rethinking options B to Z and beyond when Option A of my own biological child was no longer possible.

While everyone’s journey is as unique as their thumbprint, I understand this roller coaster and the myriad of emotions and decisions that follow ending treatment. It is my hope that my educational qualifications, training, and life experience will be able to to support you as you move forward with your own Life After IVF .

Contact me for an obligation and cost free initial ½ hour conversation to find out how we might be able to work together.
